Tuesday, July 21, 2009


It's 3:21am as I begin writing this. Mikayla is sound asleep. She feel to sleep around 10pm. Nurses have checked her several times and her temp is still down. That is a wonderful sign. It shows that most likely the ARI C (chemo drug) was causing her temp to increase. She is still loosing weight, but on a much smaller scope. Within a few days she should be steadily rising. Her hair lose has slowed a bit. She continues to get this awful sandpaper red rash when she gets her antibiotics, but it is a pretty common side effect. Much of the next few days should be uneventful. A lot of eating and sleeping is all we can expect to see. We will hang here until her immune system is around 100 or so. Its a complicated math problem to figure it out and my brain is still jacked on coffee, but I think we are still around the zero mark.

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