Saturday, June 5, 2010

Mikayla is doing good. She is loving Indoor Swimming 2x week through Webb City. Praying that she continue to stay well and healthy. Her next appointment in KC will be June 10, 2010 and will have Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) in the morning at 8:45 then to the Hemoc Clinic for Labs/Exams. Thank you again to all our family and friends. Rea

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

moving ahead

Today, despite what's been going on, Mikayla took on a new challenge. She is now learning to be a competition swimmer like her brother and sister. Her goal is to do at least one swim meet before the end of summer. She woke up early today with a smile hoping it was already time to go and was so eager all day to get into the water. She had fun and now her ego is larger than life. She won't quit talking about it. Good job Mikayla! It is something she has longed for since last summer. She was given final clearance last week. As for the falling down and dizziness we still have yet to receive any new information, but will post what we hear as it comes down the pipe to us. Thank you all for keeping up.