Monday, October 12, 2009

Changes coming this week.

Well this week will be hell week. Lots of things to do and lots of things that will change. Going into the week we are expecting Mikayla to get a bone marrow aspirate to determine if the Leukemia has went into remission and by the way her CBC (complete blood counts) look I believe it will be found out that she is. In that case things will changer really rapidly. Both her and her brother Malachi will move to the transplant center. Malachi will undergo some tests. Mikayla will be getting radiation treatment as well as a stronger form of chemo than she has taken previously to prepare for the transplant. On the home front I will be preparing the kids for a move to Kansas City. It's not something they are looking forward to, but I believe it will be the correct thing to do. We are working out two options. One is home school and the other Catholic school. It's a work in progress and the outcome is not set in stone. Our biggest concern in this crucial stage is for Mikayla to stay healthy and away from viruses such as the flu. Today that concern just went through the roof. After spending and entire weekend with Mikayla both Damien and Darian seem to have flu like symptoms. They received a flu shot last week so I am hoping that it is connected somehow. As time goes by this week we will see. I will keep separation as long as I can to determine what is the matter. Wednesday we will know more of how things are gonna change.

1 comment:

  1. It is very sad about her.You are very good at taking care of the children.Hope she get well soon.By the way,the flu is really a major concern.

